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why Android Device does not Charge

Android Device does not Charge


If an Android device does not charge, the reason of the trouble should be searched for in the power source, the battery condition and the operating system (OS). Depending on conditions under which Android does not charge up to 100%, the methods of fixing the problem will vary.

Android Device does not Charge due to a Power Source Related Problem


The first thing you should do if your Android does not charge is to make sure that the charger and the power outlet are in good order. If current is supplied to the battery from a power outlet, check that is it working. If you have connected your phone to USB, make sure that the port is connected and working.


When charging from a PC or laptop, a phone which is fully discharged may not turn on. This is accounted for by a lack of power. A device may sometimes even discharge instead of charging as it consumes more power than it receives.


Android Device does not Charge


Insufficient power may be caused by some specific features of the mother board, port system settings or a defective cable. The best way to solve the problem is to get an adapter and charge your phone using a power outlet which is known to be in good order. Mains supply is the most appropriate method to charge a battery fully.

Battery Booster and Wireless Charging


If your phone does not charge from a power bank, first of all make sure that it is the power bank that causes the problem, not the phone or a damaged cable. There may be various troubles with a battery booster:


    The battery is charged but not fully.

    Charging is slow.

    The device does not charge at all.


If your battery starts charging but then suddenly stops, the power bank is likely to have a smaller capacity than labeled. Low quality Chinese batteries may even work as capacitors: they can accumulate dozens of times less power while having the same weight.


Android Device does not Charge


You should use a battery booster with an actual capacity 2 times more than that of your smartphone or tablet.


If charging is slow, you should check the amperage at the outlet (modern smartphones and tablets require at least 1.5 A) as well as the thickness of the cable. If the cable is too thin, it reduces amperage and voltage so it is recommended that original accessories for the smartphone/ tablet be used instead of those supplied with the battery booster.


Running “heavy” applications may also affect the charging rate. If you connect a few devices to a power bank, the charging rate will decrease significantly. Therefore, gadgets should be charged one by one. Besides, when charging is slow, it may be helpful to perform calibration of the battery booster and the phone battery.


If your Android phone does not charge from a battery booster at all, you should make sure that the devices are compatible. If the power bank accumulates power, flashes and shows that charging is in progress, but does not actually charge your phone, connect another device to it. If charging starts, it means you have to get another battery booster for your phone.


Android Device does not Charge


If some issues arise when using a wireless charger, make sure that your phone supports the technology. Besides:


    Restart your device. The problem may be caused by a minor system failure or a glitch in an application.

    Boot in the safe mode and check if charging is taking place.

    Remove protective sleeves or any other accessories which might prevent the phone from charging.

    Replace the charger cable with a thicker and shorter one.


Use original accessories only that are known to be compatible with the particular phone or tablet model.

Hardware and Software Faults


If the power sources are in good order and other devices can be charged by them, you have to start troubleshooting your smartphone/ tablet. But double check your charger first. It should be:


    Original, i.e. fully compatible.

    In good order: without any defects or damages.


After that you can start inspecting the device externally. Make sure that the charger socket is not loose and is tightly attached to the smartphone board. Check the condition of the contacts. If they are contaminated or have any signs of oxidizing, clean them using an airduster, some alcohol and a thin needle or a toothpick. Take care not to damage your smartphone.

If there are any signs of mechanical damage on the housing or the phone has been exposed to extreme temperatures or has been flooded with liquid with some traces of it remaining inside, you should not try to fix the problem yourself but should go to a service center at once.


If your device has not undergone any severe negative effects, try to restart it or reset to factory settings having made a backup copy first. If your phone charges after restarting only and the problem occurred after flashing, you should reflash the device from scratch. Installation of third party firmware or any errors when reflashing may result in the device failure to charge even if the battery is good.

Calibrating Android Battery


What should you do if your phone does not charge completely when it is on? The screen is flashing showing that the device is fully charged but a few minutes after disconnecting from the mains the charge drops by 10-15%? New batteries do not cause such problems but if you have been using your smartphone for a long time, it is a common situation. In order to perform manual calibration:


    Charge the battery fully.

    Disconnect the device from the mains and turn it off.

    Connect a charger to the turned off phone and wait until the indicator light turns green.

    Turn Android on and disable automatic screen turn-off in the settings (Settings – Display – Sleep Mode or Screen Timeout).

    Android Device does not Charge


    Charge the device up to 100% again and disconnect it from the mains.

    Leave your phone to discharge with its screen on. Wait until it fully discharges.

    Charge the device up to 100%. Enable the “Sleep Mode” in order to return to normal operation.


You can also use special applications, such as Battery Callibration, instead of manual calibration. In order to calibrate, do the following:


    Run the application and connect your charger.

    Charge your phone up to 100%. After the specific sound signal wait for an hour more until the value in Battery Calibration is 100% too and then disconnect the charger.

    Press the “Calibrate” button in the application and wait until the procedure is completed.


Android Device does not Charge



After successful calibration you can reboot your device and disconnect the charger.


If a custom Recovery Menu is installed on the device, you can select the “wipe battery stats” option to reset the battery operation data though it is not compulsory.

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